Fiksi Fantasi Indonesia
Kamis, 15 Maret 2012
Rabu, 18 Januari 2012
Tired enough....
so tired....
I've been waiting for 20 years, here....
Seeing all of this,
( what's the different ? )
( gak ngaruh banget. berlebihan. )
( ngeliatin itu semua. and suddenly, yg pergi ke paris, adalah aku. )
( what will you say ? )
( berlebihan. painful. what for ? )
( nungguin apa ? ... )
( aku juga bingung )
( 20 taun, gk ngapa2in. nungguin sesuatu.... )
( masih bingung, apa yg ditunggu... )
( yg mana ? siapa ? ada apa ? )
Minggu, 15 Januari 2012
Life Period
Current Life
Hypotesa :
Shell like life stream. and there's no other life resources outside this shell, at least yet. All life and material resources can be found here, inside the shell. It can be used freely without any time limitation. can be proven by immortal things existence. thousand years life existence would prove this. is there any ? hope so, hope no.
hope so : because true and real life is still waiting to be resurrected next time, and they all should be survive til the end of this period. I'd better wait by their side. Rest can refresh your body and soul. Good and fresh body and soul is necessary for next lifestream period.
hope no : afraid of mis-used of these life resources. what if they'd damaged before time ?
another prove, life can survive in short time : , someone has just killed, succeed in resurrection, and it's still him. just like before he killed. is it true ? proven by true memory. who was him and what he knew. I'm wondering, too. ever think about this too. Feeling a life can't prove this short-term life stream. You think it's him ? how'd you know ? check all his memories. consider this as 17 years old conversation.
there's so many life before this. How'd you know ? building that not match with current life style ( floating land for example, course you wouldn't expect it would be here, and float on your land, because it's not yours ). creature that you can't found in current life ( pegasus or dragon won't fly here without reason ). perhaps, all life before Big Bang know this issue, and give a note to their descendant to continue their life, and build what your instinct told to. they don't wanna loose their time to build anything from start again. but, that's not necessary. perhaps everyone before Big Bang know this. Nowadays, people go to school, studying, married, working, and dead. and that's all what they do. and that's they are. Gods before Big Bang loved magic and knowledge. They have their own way to rule their world.
this indicates that current life is a stand-alone life resources and a villa for the rest-souls.
another view, showed that they're trapped here, and try to make a hole on that shell ( this one is not true, because, someone's soul is just gone when they have dead ).
Even so, why should you tell them where you've gone ? why should you ? if you really know. if you really true.
Knowledge is better than anything else. but, beauty and kindness is more than that.
---- Someday, you should pay for everything you have done, to me.....
and everything surround me....
... and you think you strong enough to hold it ?
... and you think you should scared ? no, you just should pay....
I don't need your terrified....
even your life, is not enough to pay that....
... ask yourself, why'd you do that ?
- Before Big Bang
- Big Bang
- Current Life
Current Life
Hypotesa :
Shell like life stream. and there's no other life resources outside this shell, at least yet. All life and material resources can be found here, inside the shell. It can be used freely without any time limitation. can be proven by immortal things existence. thousand years life existence would prove this. is there any ? hope so, hope no.
hope so : because true and real life is still waiting to be resurrected next time, and they all should be survive til the end of this period. I'd better wait by their side. Rest can refresh your body and soul. Good and fresh body and soul is necessary for next lifestream period.
hope no : afraid of mis-used of these life resources. what if they'd damaged before time ?
another prove, life can survive in short time : , someone has just killed, succeed in resurrection, and it's still him. just like before he killed. is it true ? proven by true memory. who was him and what he knew. I'm wondering, too. ever think about this too. Feeling a life can't prove this short-term life stream. You think it's him ? how'd you know ? check all his memories. consider this as 17 years old conversation.
there's so many life before this. How'd you know ? building that not match with current life style ( floating land for example, course you wouldn't expect it would be here, and float on your land, because it's not yours ). creature that you can't found in current life ( pegasus or dragon won't fly here without reason ). perhaps, all life before Big Bang know this issue, and give a note to their descendant to continue their life, and build what your instinct told to. they don't wanna loose their time to build anything from start again. but, that's not necessary. perhaps everyone before Big Bang know this. Nowadays, people go to school, studying, married, working, and dead. and that's all what they do. and that's they are. Gods before Big Bang loved magic and knowledge. They have their own way to rule their world.
this indicates that current life is a stand-alone life resources and a villa for the rest-souls.
another view, showed that they're trapped here, and try to make a hole on that shell ( this one is not true, because, someone's soul is just gone when they have dead ).
Even so, why should you tell them where you've gone ? why should you ? if you really know. if you really true.
Knowledge is better than anything else. but, beauty and kindness is more than that.
---- Someday, you should pay for everything you have done, to me.....
and everything surround me....
... and you think you strong enough to hold it ?
... and you think you should scared ? no, you just should pay....
I don't need your terrified....
even your life, is not enough to pay that....
... ask yourself, why'd you do that ?
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011
lahir, dibesarkan, dan dikelilingi oleh dunia manga. hidup seperti kebanyakan orang yang ada di dalam komik-komik manga. bisa bicara dengan hewan. dekat sekali dengan dunia magic, power, dan pedang.
"sword is honor."
"fight is fun",
"power is miracle",
"love is a gift".
begitulah kata kebanyakan orang di sekitarnya. tapi, tidak terlalu membenarkan. lebih suka dengan dunianya sendiri, "playing basket", "exercise", "and fight". tidak terlalu suka dengan darah. dikabarkan paling hebat di dunianya, paling pintar, sampai-sampai seluruh kekuatannya diambil dan ditanya, "sepintar apa kau kali ini ?".
sangat kelelahan hingga suatu saat, memutuskan untuk berhenti dan berkonsentrasi pada dunia dan keluarganya.
di matanya, dunia adalah dunia. punya urusan masing-masing, begitu juga dirinya. sibuk dengan orang di sekitarnya.
orang yang sering terlihat di dekatnya adalah Linda, Sera, Z, dan keluarga michael. dan binatang-binatang piaraan mereka.
" dimana ini ?.... ", selalu bertanya seperti itu.
" siapa kau ? "
mungkin, ada banyak komik-komik manga yang beredar, dan menceritakan banyak orang. tapi, susunan ini terlihat fixed baginya.
X, Y, Z, dan S, L, serta R.
tidak pernah terlihat dalam satu keluarga. tapi, selalu dalam satu kota.
Prototype ini bisa ada banyak.
satu wajah, banyak tubuh, dengan isi yang berbeda, tapi, sifatnya sama.
Lebih memilih untuk meninggalkan dunianya dan menetap di dunia lain, dengan suasana dan Tuhan yang berbeda. percaya ada kehidupan lain selain di sini, karena itu, dia ingin pergi. lagipula, tidak ada untungnya ada di sini.
" apa yang kau dapat ? "
" setelah aku ingat, aku tidak dapat apa-apa, ya cuma ini... (hehe?) "
" entahlah. konyol sekali, sangat tidak berguna... sia-sia... "
" lebih baik tidur, tak terbangun, daripada melakukan ini.... "
" kupikir sama saja, malah untung.... aku bisa bersiap untuk yang akan datang.... "
" beristirahat lama..... "
" dunia ini, merugikanku.... "
- Y -
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011
Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
Rabu, 14 Desember 2011
gender : male
name : yu, rio, fei, ra ( fire , dragon n tiger )
skill : yellow golden fire
pet : eagle n tiger
spec : left wound ( mark, -- )
soulmate : right wound ( mark ) usually found in face of sera, n linda ( goddess of war , athena )
tiger, spec : mark in forehead ( Y )
eagle, spec : -
materia : dragon ( bahamut type )
past left in memory:
- bamboo forest, and basketball court. I used to play there with my friends. I'm a priest last time.
- another home, floating island. 5 pagoda.
- very rich, n own more than one wife. selalu menganggap semuanya berlebihan. kadang-kadang sampai sesuatu pun bisa ikut berlebihan. tapi, lama kelamaan, jadi berlebihan beneran. sifat linda yang juga berlebihan, membuatnya bisa dekat dengan banyak cewek. cuek bebek, tapi, takut ditinggal. biasanya, semuanya lepas satu per satu. so illogical. funny. miracle yang biasa terjadi, jika ada seseorang yang suka, biasanya, dia langsung jadi cantik. jika, tidak jadi istrinya, kecantikannya diambil separuhnya. jika, terjadi sesuatu, diciptakan kembarannya. jika, ingin lepas, ya dilepas begitu saja.
just back to my coffin. looks like an ice land in dirge of cerberus.
back to my life if i lived. old alexandria. milk air, beautiful sky. and work. have kids, raise pets. conquer the world. go to park. playing basketball n drilling.
next name : R.
Who's taking care of me ?....
I need to go back home,
I can't stay anymore longer.....
where r u ?....
" kasus ini aku tangguhkan,
hingga aku - fully awaken -"
selama itu, aku ingin tertidur...
Minggu, 11 Desember 2011
Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011
C. this....
how could ?...
.... she always watching over me, day by day,
years to years....
taking care of my fams, pets,and farm....
so tired....
I can't lived forever.....
.... how long should I stay ?....
.... and wondering why....
I'm old enough to understand everything,
duniaku, indah.....
....penuh warna....
penuh cerita,
bagai dongeng,
yang mungkin kamu tidak akan mempercayainya,
( bagaimana bisa ? )
( entahlah. dunia yang mana yang ingin kau percayai ? )
( aku ? duniaku .... )
( apa kau pernah melihat kucing bisa berbicara ? itu indah.... )
( tapi, apa kau pernah melihat apa yang kulihat ? mungkin lain cerita.... )
( hal lain, dari dunia yang aku jalani. orang gila, orang tidak waras, cerita pinokio yang mengerikan. )
( hantu-hantu yang berlebihan. )
( sangat berlebihan. bagaimana bisa, hal itu ada di sini ? )
( aku selalu berdoa, semoga semua itu tidak mendekatiku )
( sedangkan, duniaku. semua lucu, indah dan menarik. )
( tak ada satu pun diantara orang yang mengelilingiku, punya niat buruk. )
( dunia pun indah dan segar. juga mewah. )
( itu yang ingin aku percayai. berlebihan. )
( aku juga tidak ingat. aku lupa. dan lelah. )
( ditambah lagi dikelilingi hal-hal yang aneh. )
( ini membuatku semakin kelelahan. )
( jika harus terus, aku ingin berada di tempat ku. )
( beristirahat. dan tidak lagi melihat hal-hal yang aneh. )
( peperangan. entahlah. )
( )
( aku ingin berlibur. sampai aku benar-benar pulih. )
( jika, aku harus bermain lagi. )
( )
( bekerja, dan berlibur, ke pantai, ke kota, menjelejahi dunia. )
( )
( dunia dongeng. bersebelahan dengan dunia nyata. )
( tapi, ini nyata. dongeng yang nyata. )
( )
( kalo, aku, mungkin lebih baik, diciptakan dunia lain yang hidup otomatis secara natural ... )
( dan berjalan sendiri. biarkan dunia itu mengatur dirinya sendiri. )
( sedangkan, aku. ingin beristirahat di duniaku. dunia dongeng. )
( dunia dengan cerita dan tempat yang indah. )
( )
( biasanya, kamu suka membicarakan hal-hal seperti ini. )
( ini untukmu. )
( aku, sudah melihat banyak hal. dan inilah hasilnya, itulah yang aku pilih )
( berlebihan, tapi, begitu adanya. )
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